Capabilities of Web Analytics

Let’s say you are currently promoting your site and want to attract customers in several ways: targeted advertising, SEO, newsletters, content seeding in social networks, etc. You are sure that your product is popular and in demand in the market. Because the advertising budget is running out, and there are no sales, or the cost of attracting each customer is too high.

It is the capabilities of web google analytics that will help to find out why users did not take the intended action (how to leave a contact, purchase, download, watch a video, click on a banner), and also develop a plan to eliminate these obstacles.

In this article, we will look at what web analytics is and how it can help your business. Additionally, integrating web analytics with strategies from a marketing agency can provide valuable insights and optimization techniques to enhance your promotional efforts.

What is web analytics?

Web analytics is the collection, recognition, and analysis of information about website visitors for further optimization of its work. The collected data will make it possible to study the actions of users of the resource and understand their needs. It will also help develop a course of action to increase the effectiveness of the site and expand its capabilities in accordance with the needs of potential customers. Additionally, integrating web analytics with digital marketing strategies enhances the ability to target audiences and refine marketing efforts for better results.

Why do you require web analytics?

Web analytics solves several main problems:

  • Analyzes traffic quality.
  • Finds technical and other malfunctions and shortcomings of the site.
  • Helps to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising channels.
  • Contributes to the reduction of customer acquisition costs.
  • Allows you to identify general patterns of behavior of site visitors and compile a user profile.
  • Helps you find ways to increase conversions.

Due to high competition both on the market and on the Internet, even large companies that have proven themselves have to fight for their positions. In this case, it is analytics in digital marketing that will help determine the profitability of certain advertising channels. Find the most relevant advertising offers that can evoke a response from the audience, identify effective methods of content distribution, find technical malfunctions of the resource, etc. All this optimizes advertising costs and product/brand promotion processes.

Methods of web analysis

The following methods are distinguished:

  • Attendance analysis. Study of user activity on the site, the number of unique and repeated visits, determination of possible reasons for a decrease or increase in attendance activity.
  • Analysis of CA. These include geography, devices and operating systems used, interests and demographics.
  • Analysis of traffic sources. From where users came to the site, which channels of attraction showed the greatest effectiveness, what is the cost of attracting one visitor, thanks to which ads or key phrases visitors came, which pages landed.
  • Usability analysis. Study of maps of page scrolling, clicks, most popular pages and routes on the site.
  • Analysis of technical shortcomings. Search errors, slow loading speed, presence of duplicate pages, etc.
  • Analysis of e-commerce data. Most popular products, number of transactions, user behavior on the site, sales cycle, calls, average check, revenue.
  • Web analytics: tools
  • Data is collected through counters and log analyzers. Analyzers are internal programs, automated collectors that store information about page visits. They can be used if the company has a separate server for analytics.

Counters are external applications that are several kilobytes in size. To implement them, you need to make changes to the structural code of the page. After that, all visits to the site will download a small image placed on the resource to collect data that is entered into the database. This method became popular after Google and other companies launched their web analytics systems. Today, counters are the standard. They help to access information about the number of visits, purchases, clicks on certain buttons, etc. 

If you need help with setting up web analytics, please contact UAMASTER marketing agency.

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