Sundarban Courier Service Mohammadpur

Sundarban Courier Service Mohammadpur

Sundarban Courier Service has 5 branches in Mohammadpur. Mohammadpur is a mix of residential and commercial areas in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Mohammadpur has various educational institutions, shopping centers, and healthcare facilities. The National Zoo, a popular destination for locals and visitors, is also located in Mohammadpur.

Here are the details of Sundarban Courier Service Mohammadpur Offices:

#Branch NameDistrict AddressContactMap Location
1Mohammadpur ThanaDhaka16/10-11 Azam Road, Mohammadpur.01199105194, 01712099812, 01672503060Click Here
2Shekhertek, MohammadpurDhakaHouse No. 07, Road No. 05, PC Culture Housing Society, Sekhertek,
9120570 01912694956
3Katasur, MohammadpurDhaka109, Katasur, Mohammadpur.01726837633 01912178654Click Here
4Bosila Road Booking BoothDhaka22/B, Dhaka Real Estate, Bosila Road, Mohammadpur.1737345462Click Here

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