Top Pest Control Services in Dhaka – Get Rid of Pests Today!

Dhaka is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. However, with rapid urbanization comes an increase in pest problems in Dhaka. The city’s high humidity, poor waste management, and overcrowded living conditions create the perfect environment for pests to thrive.

From cockroaches in kitchens to mosquitoes spreading deadly diseases, pests are a daily struggle for many residents. No place is safe, whether it’s homes, offices, or restaurants. Luckily, pest control services in Dhaka are available to help manage these issues.

To protect your home, you must know which pests are the biggest threats. Let’s look at Dhaka’s 10 most common pest problems and how you can control them.

Most Common Pest Problems in Dhaka

PestCommon Areas FoundHealth RisksBest Control Method
MosquitoesStagnant water, drainsDengue, malaria, chikungunyaUse nets, remove standing water
CockroachesKitchens, bathroomsFood poisoning, asthmaRegular cleaning, insecticides
Rats & MiceHomes, marketsLeptospirosis, plagueSealing entry points, traps
BedbugsMattresses, furnitureSkin rashes, allergic reactionsHigh heat treatment, pest control
TermitesWooden furniture, wallsStructural damageProfessional termite treatment
AntsKitchens, food storageFood contaminationSeal cracks, use bait traps
FliesGarbage, food wasteCholera, dysenteryProper waste disposal, fly traps
SpidersDark corners, basementsSome venomous speciesRegular cleaning, pesticide use
SnakesGardens, drainsSome are highly venomousKeep surroundings clean, repellents
WaspsRoofs, balconiesPainful stings, allergic reactionsRemove nests, use deterrents

Mosquitoes Problem in Dhaka

Mosquitoes are the biggest threat in Dhaka. They breed in standing water and spread deadly diseases like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. The city’s poor drainage system and frequent waterlogging make things worse.

How to Control Mosquitoes?

  • Remove standing water from drains, buckets, and plant pots.
  • Use mosquito nets and repellents.
  • Install window screens to prevent entry.
  • Contact pest control services in Dhaka for professional fogging.

Cockroaches Problem in Dhaka

Cockroaches are everywhere in Dhaka. These pests hide in dark, damp places and come out at night. They carry bacteria that cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and asthma.

Ways to Keep Cockroaches Away

Rats and Mice Problem in Dhaka

Rats and mice infest homes, restaurants, and even markets. They chew on food, clothes, and electrical wires, causing damage. Worse, they spread diseases like leptospirosis and hantavirus.

Effective Ways to Control Rodents

  • Block all entry points with metal or cement.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Set up rat traps or use rodenticides.
  • Regularly check for signs of infestation.

Bedbugs Problem in Dhaka

Bedbugs have become a growing problem in Dhaka. They hide in mattresses, furniture, and curtains. Their bites cause itchy rashes and allergic reactions.

Signs of Bedbug InfestationWhat to Do?
Small blood stains on sheetsWash bedding in hot water
Red, itchy bites on the skinVacuum mattresses and carpets
Musty odor in the roomUse professional bedbug treatments

Termites Problem in Dhaka

Termites cause serious damage to homes and buildings in Dhaka. They eat wood and weaken furniture and walls. The worst part? Most people don’t realize they have termites until it’s too late.

Best Ways to Protect Your Home

  • Check wooden furniture regularly for signs of damage.
  • Keep wooden areas dry and well-ventilated.
  • Get professional termite treatment.

Flies Problem in Dhaka

Flies are a major problem in Dhaka, especially in food markets and garbage disposal areas. They carry bacteria that cause typhoid, cholera, and dysentery.

How to Reduce Flies?

  • Dispose of garbage properly.
  • Keep food covered at all times.
  • Use fly traps and repellents.

Ants Problem in Dhaka

Ants invade homes in search of food. They contaminate food and some species, like fire ants, have painful stings.

Ways to Keep Ants Away

  • Keep kitchens and dining areas clean.
  • Use ant baits and traps.
  • Seal any cracks or holes in walls.


Pest problems in Dhaka are increasing due to poor sanitation and rapid urbanization. From deadly mosquitoes to destructive termites, these pests cause major issues. However, taking the proper precautions can help control infestations.

If you’re facing severe pest issues, consider hiring professional pest control services in Dhaka for effective solutions.

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