Sundarban Courier Service Manikganj: All offices, Addresses, Contacts, and Map Locations

Sundarban Courier Service Manikganj

Manikganj is located on the banks of the Padma River, Bangladesh’s major river. Sundarban Courier Service Manikganj facilitates the transport of parcels, documents, and goods within and beyond the district. Sundarban Courier service has 4+ branches in Manikganj. 

Here is the list of all offices of Sundarban Courier Service in Manikganj

#Branch NameDistrictAddressContactMap Location
1Ghior AgencyManikganjMahid Enterprize, Ghior Bazar+8801936003369
2Jhitka, Harirampur AgencyManikganjSagor Computer & Printing Press, Girls School More, Jhitka Bazar, Harirampur
3Manikganj branchManikganjShivbari Rd, Manikganj 1800+8801936003369Click Here
4Singair Upazila AgencyManikganjM/S Tamim Tradars, Holding no-426, Angaria, Singair

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